Your answers will be used for research purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact Dr Marina Cano at Thank you very much for your collaboration.
Name (optional):
School year:
School & Location
1. Had you ever read any Jane Austen novel before studying them in school? If so which one(s)? Please, summarise your reactions.
2. Had you ever seen any of the film adaptations of Austen’s novels before studying them in school? If so which one(s)? Please, summarise your reactions.
3. Before studying Austen in school, had you been involved in the online Austen community (for instance, through the writing, posting or reading of stories based on her novels or involving her characters)? If so, please provide additional information about the type of involvement and the sites used.
4. Since you studied Austen in school, have you been involved in the writing, posting or reading of Austen fanfiction online? If so, please provide additional information about the type of involvement and the sites used.
5. Have you watched any of the online adaptations or videos inspired by Austen’s work, such as The Lizzy Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved? If so, please summarise your reactions.
6. What is your general opinion of internet Austen fandom: stories, videos, etc? Did you enjoy reading/writing/watching them (if you have done so)? Why or why not?
7. If you have visited these online Austen communities, how did you first come across them?
8. If you have written Austen fanfiction yourself (either published or not), how/why did you first decide to do so?
9. Has it been published online? If so, where? Did you get any comments or reactions? Please explain.
10. From the Austen novels that you have read so far (please name), which ones would you like to rewrite or continue, or which ones have you already continued? Why?
11. What elements would you add to an Austen novel or change (or which ones have you already changed)? Why?
12. Please add any additional comment about Austen in the 21st century that might not be covered in this survey.