Moose Lodge #257 Evaluation
Please rank each, 5 Stars being Excellent, 1 Star being Poor
Exterior Appearance
General Appearance of Facility, Attractive, Tidy, Curb Appeal
Parking and Walkway Surfaces
Smooth Surface, No Pot Holes, No Tripping Hazards, Free of Litter
Landscaping & Fencing
Weed Free, Shrubbery Trimmed, Lawn Mowed, Free of Litter
Lights Working, In Good Condition, Placed property to be viewed from street, Logo Current
Building Condition
Good Condition, Clean, Attractive
Exterior Lighting
Sufficient for Safety, no burned out bulbs, Inviting
Interior- First Impression
Neat, uncluttered, card/fob lock present with instructions, smoking area provided away from entry, guest register present and used, well lit, inviting
Interior Lighting
Sufficient, no burned out bulbs
Interior General Appearance
Tidy, items stored, tables and bar clean and organized, no unpleasant odors
Furniture & Flooring
No rips, tears or tripping hazards, no stains
Bulletin Boards
Informational, Association and Lodge Campaigns, Events, Moose Charities, Up to Date
Family/Children's Area
Toys & Games in good condition, neat, organized
Staff Appearance
Appropriate clothing, general appearance
Staff Greeting
Prompt, Friendly
Staff- General Service
Prompt, friendly, accurate
Restroom - Cleanliness
Fixtures, Flooring, odor
Restroom - Supplies
Stocked appropriately
Restroom- Accessibility
Handrails, adequate room
Music / Television Volume
Adequate/ comfortable
Friendliness of Lodge
Interaction, Appreciation of Members, Officers & Staff
General Impression Comments